Lower Silesia - elemental info
Lower Silesia (Polish: Dolny Śląsk; Czech: Dolní Slezsko, Latin: Silesia Inferior; German: Niederschlesien; Silesian German: Niederschläsing; Silesian: Dolny Ślůnsk) is the northwestern part of the historical and geographical region of Silesia; Upper Silesia is to the southeast.
Throughout its history Lower Silesia has been under the control of the medieval Kingdom of Poland, the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy from 1526. In 1742 nearly all of the region was annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia and became part of the German Empire in 1871, except for a small part which formed the southern part of the Lower Silesian Duchy of Nysa and had been incorporated into Austrian Silesia in 1742. After 1945 the main part of the former Prussian Province of Lower Silesia fell to the Republic of Poland, while a smaller part west of the Oder-Neisse line remained within East Germany.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Silesia
The use of water transport for tourism purposes
For Wroclaw can use water transport for tourism purposes. Some tourists flow into city using the waterway, which is for them an additional attraction. Then I can use the white fleet cruises organized after the Oder River, which stop at various harbors. In the spring and summer, such cruises can be very beautiful, because it held close to tall trees and greenery. In Wroclaw are also bridges and footbridges located on the Odra river and its secondary trends. Tourists can walk on them, admire the beauty of the river and views located above it, while spending time outdoors. People who do not like to take cruises can instead go to the pools and swimming pools, so there tame with water.
Buildings of Wroclaw
Wroclaw is a city that combines modernity with great historical and important places for the history of our country. Therefore, tourists wandering around the city can enjoy the modern means of transport, and at the same time admire the architectural monuments of Wroclaw from various centuries. You may even find that in different historic buildings wrocławia recorded the history of this city and the whole country. Some of them come because of the baroque and Gothic, and others are relatively young, because it dates back to the nineteenth and early twentieth century. One of these buildings are religious buildings, where the sightseeing you can spend a few days, and others from different periods Wroclaw tenements.