Getting cheaper - printing services
What would a company be without business cards, leaflets or other printed articles? Well - the role of the printing industry on the market is still very large, and recently more and more. After all, it's hard for an enterprise that does not have its own leaflets or posters. These companies often outdo each other in offers and offer lower and lower prices, mainly for small businesses. This does not mean that it is a failing industry, there is still a lot of potential in the printing companies and those that provide them with materials. Now, the printing services are so accessible that even one-man companies can easily afford to regularly buy printed materials.
Short about printing
The printing era has been pretty good since Gutenberg. First, important things were printed like books. But these are REALLY important, not some literature for the mob. Well, because the mob was quite illiterate at the time. Then also such fiction was printed, meaning for the reading of the book. Well, since the last 50 years (even hundreds of them), it's all about printing - books, leaflets, business cards, even shirts, mugs, pens ... Well, really everything. Because you need to build brand awareness at the customer, i.e. printing and marketing is an inseparable couple. Because you can print everything on your T-shirt and have it originally. Well, who would prohibit the rich?
Company Business Card
A small card with company data, and so many possibilities ... Business cards in Poland even 5-10 years ago were associated with white cartons, overloaded information. For this they were poorly made, and their design was calling for vengeance to heaven.
Today, companies with white-card business cards are still meeting, but fortunately there are more and more companies focusing on modernity.
So what should include such a modern business card - first of all a logotype, clearly visible, preferably not neighboring with any other element. A phone number is not necessary at all and a lot depends on the industry. Recently, the address of the site is more and more often used instead. Modern business card puts on minimalism and simplicity - what my opinion makes a much better better impression than the old type of business cards.