Lethal speed
Although having sporting a modern car very often remains just a dream for motorists, people with such cars more often appear on Polish roads. I must admit that this car really pose a huge threat to all road users. In sports cars do not feel the speed, and special arrangements are responsible for the fact that you can achieve really high speed driving. It is not only dangerous, but in some cases, even deadly. Despite the passionate driving fast sports car is not lacking, and for some of them the adrenaline during such driving is one of the most important experiences, so that they feel really good.
Modernization of the car - is it easy to do?
Much of the information on how to quickly and easily improve the car, gives us the Internet. More and more often, to perform apparently really difficult operations, we do not need any complicated instrumentation, and a lot of ideas not have thought even if it was not a hint from the creators of such creative advice. Interestingly, many of them takes the form of instructional cutscene, making their own eyes, we can see that the presented method regarding clean inaccessible surface or mount useful gadget. Certainly it will convince many a wary viewer that such solutions really apply.
Starting at TDC
2-stroke engines
Main article: 2-stroke engine
The defining characteristic of this kind of engine is that each piston completes a cycle every crankshaft revolution. The 4 processes of intake, compression, power and exhaust take place in only 2 strokes so that it is not possible to dedicate a stroke exclusively for each of them. Starting at TDC the cycle consist of:
Power: While the piston is descending the combustion gases perform work on it?as in a 4-stroke engine?. The same thermodynamic considerations about the expansion apply.
Scavenging: Around 75° of crankshaft rotation before BDC the exhaust valve or port opens, and blowdown occurs. Shortly thereafter the intake valve or transfer port opens. The incoming charge displaces the remaining combustion gases to the exhaust system and a part of the charge may enter the exhaust system as well. The piston reaches BDC and reverses direction. After the piston has traveled a short distance upwards into the cylinder the exhaust valve or port closes; shortly the intake valve or transfer port closes as well.
Compression: With both intake and exhaust closed the piston continues moving upwards compressing the charge and performing a work on it. As in the case of a 4-stroke engine, ignition starts just before the piston reaches TDC and the same consideration on the thermodynamics of the compression on the charge.
While a 4-stroke engine uses the piston as a positive displacement pump to accomplish scavenging taking 2 of the 4 strokes, a 2-stroke engine uses the last part of the power stroke and the first part of the compression stroke for combined intake and exhaust. The work required to displace the charge and exhaust gases comes from either the crankcase or a separate blower. For scavenging, expulsion of burned gas and entry of fresh mix, two main approaches are described: Loop scavenging, and Uniflow scavenging, SAE news published in the 2010s that 'Loop Scavenging' is better under any circumstance than Uniflow Scavenging.6
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine